Water is essential for our survival. Most of us is water. It is a basic carrier of information in our bodies. Every single cell is surrounded by interstitial fluid, blood and lymph runs our circulation, saliva and mucus inside our body moisture every membrane in our Body to Hydrate.
That is why, sufficient hydration is essential for maintaining our body functions. Even slight dehydration is effecting our system and can give us unpleasant symptoms.
Most people don’t know they are dehydrated.
First symptom of dehydration is thirst, but still it can be neglected because of mind distraction.
Our body may communicate inner thirst in various different ways ways such as:
– fatigue
– vision disturbances
– unexplained anxiety
– problem with concentration
– unexplained energy drop
– pain: headache, muscle pain, sore muscles
– dry skin and lips
– oedema
– fainting
– others
How to Hydrate of the tissues must be maintained at all times for our body-mind balance. To achieve that drink must be good quality.
Alcohol, soft drinks, fizzy drinks, coffee and tea are the one to avoid as they promote dehydration in the body. Those drinks have diuretic effect and will lead to water depletion promoting even more dehydration.
Best hydration occurs when we Hydrate with natural liquids such as mineral water, freshly made vegetable and fruit juices or natural isotonics such as coconut water.
Water – choosing the right one
When we choose our water we need to investigate its:
– source
– quality: purity and mineral content
Tap water in the cities is contaminated with fluoride, chloride, heavy metals (e.g. lead from old pipes), drugs and antibiotics (I.e. Oestrogens). That is why drinking tap water is not the best hydration option.
Tap water though can be filtered in many different ways and then it is suitable for consumption.
Most sufficient filtration is the Reverse Osmosis system, which purifies the water up to 99.9%.
Bottled water
Best water would be natural, deep sourced mineral water. This still can be found in uncivilised areas of our planet. If you use bottled water choose the glass bottled. Plastic bottles are packed with PCBs and BPA which are chemicals known as toxic to our body, especially nervous system. Best way to avoid this contamination is avoidance of plastic packaging or choosing BPA free option.
Still or Sparkling?
Sparkling water is achieved by adding co2 into still water. Co2 acts as acid in our body, so sparkling water would always have slightly acidic effect on our bodies. How to Hydrate Sparkling water should be used as a treat and alternative to soft drinks during transition time from soft drinks to still, mineral water.
What if I don’t like the taste of water?
There are plenty of options to help you increase your water intake even if you are not a fan of its taste.
You may add healthy flavours.
Here are a few refreshing options:
– freshly squeezed lemon, orange or grapefruit juice
– leaves of fresh mint
– chopped ginger and small amounts of raw honey
– fresh cranberry or apple juice
– fresh raspberries (whole)
– You may boil your water with lemon and ginger and drink this warming drink throughout the day
– you may do light herbal infusions ( from fresh herbs): peppermint, dandelion leaves, nettle
Remember: strong teas including black, green and white tea as well as strong herbal infusions have dehydrating effect on the body.
Fresh juices
Freshly pressed juices quickly Hydrate and nurture or body with nutrients. Our body recognises and absorbs juices very quickly, sometimes even quicker then water itself.
Best vegetables for hydration are:
– cucumbers
– celery
– green leafy vegetables
All of above can be mixed with small amounts of carrots and green apples for sweetness.
Juicy fruits
Fruits as a source of liquids are better eaten as a whole as fibre found in them will slow down absorption of sugars avoiding sugar imbalances.
In summer time best fruits for hydration would be:
– all sort of melons
– strawberries
– citrus fruits
In autumn and winter choose fruits which are in season: apples and pears.
Remember: fruits are high in natural sugar and should be consumed with moderation.
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Hydrate to Coconut Water
Known as natural isotonic – electrolyte drink. Coconut water has good amount of potassium, some magnesium and trace of sodium as well as some natural occuring sugars.
The best is fresh coconut water which is unprocessed, raw and most hydrating. If you use commercial coconut water, use in moderation due to possible contamination.
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