Vajra is a reference of a weapon which is used by Lord Indra (God of Rain & Thunder), this weapon is believed as the most powerful and unbreakable weapon.
Vajrasana has a great influence on Vajra Nadi, Vajra Nadi (Nadis are the subtle channel through which energy flow) is a pathway that carries the nervous impulses of the reproductive system and urinary system from the brain to the different part of the body.
Practicing this pose makes the thighs like a Vajra, which means unbreakable and provides a stable base to a Yogi for prolonged meditation. It is a fact that femur bone located in the thighs is the strongest bone of our body which supports the weight of the body and maintains the posture upright.
Most of the Yogic Pose is not allowed to perform after eating the meal but Vajrasana is one of some poses which anyone can perform just after taking the meal; it helps to digest the food well.
This pose seems very easy to perform but hold for long in this position for long is not an easy task.
Breathing in this position should be natural and deep, focus on the flow of breath while inhaling and exhaling.
Contra-Indication and Precautions
This pose is not recommended for those who have a knee injury, arthritis, varicose veins, or after the few months of pregnancy.
Beginners may find some pain in their ankle or knee, to remedy this release the posture for a while and stretch the legs forward and shake it gently.
Make sure during the pose spine and neck should be erect and straight.
If there is a pain in thighs then slightly separate the knees while maintaining the pose.
To make the pose firm and stable, a folded blanket or small cushion may be placed under between the buttocks.
How to practice the Vajrasana
Kneel with the knees close together on the mat.
Heels are a little apart from each other and then sit on them, make sure your big toes touch each other.
Place the hand on the knees with palms down.
Straight your neck and the spine, gaze on nose tip or Ajna chakra (The Third Eye).
Now with every inhalation and exhalation feel the flow of prana from lower limb rising up to the brain.
Straight the leg after few minutes of practice and shake the legs gentle to normalize the flow of blood.
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Benefits of Vajrasana
The practice of Vajrasana makes the thigh bone stronger like Vajra.
Sitting in Vajrasana for a few minutes just after taking the meal helps to digest the food faster. Those who are suffering from constipation and digestive disorder can practice this posture for 4-5 min daily and during the practice try abdominal breathing (With inhale and exhale, belly in and out).
With the influence on Vajra Nadi, it helps to control sexual feelings and redirect the energy towards the development of consciousness. In front of our body areas like thighs, groin, pelvis, etc. the Nadis and nerves are passes, when the pressure is applied in these areas by doing the Vajrasana it activates the flow of energy, this increases the efficiency of the entire digestive system and reproductive organs.
Vajrasana is also an ideal pose for the purpose of meditation, practicing with closed eyes and awareness concentrated on breathing helps in bring mental peace.
This asana is also used for awakening the Kundalini power in Kundalini Yoga because the flowing of prana is smooth in this asana.
This asana is a preventive against hernia and also relieve piles. It reduces the blood flow to the genitals and massages the nerve fiber which feeds them, this posture becomes useful in the treatment of dilated testicle and hydrocele in men.
Vajrasana is also very helpful to reduce the disorder of the menstrual cycle in women.
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